Our Mission

HMV®’s roots head back to the founding of the home entertainment and modern tech industries in Camden, NJ in 1896. There and then, Eldridge R. Johnson & Emile Berliner toiled away in a little workshop garage inventing and developing the very first home entertainment technology; the record and record player. From then, the birth of the music and home entertainment industries led to the adoption of the ‘His Master’s Voice’ image as the company logo, while Victor Talking Machine Co. (and its subsequent companies) would go on to dominate the world of home entertainment into the modern age.

Today, the HMV® brand is the part of Victor tasked with developing brand new technology originally conceived under the Victor Legacy in Camden, N.J.

HMV® brand products are made with creatives in mind. Whether you’re a musician, artist, writer, poet, filmmaker, or a family of four, HMV® has the cutting edge home entertainment technology you can rely on.

We design and build the best.

Without a doubt, HMV® is the world’s greatest legacy in technology and home entertainment. Since 1896, when Emile Berliner & Eldridge Johnson launched their invention, ‘the gramophone’, (disk record player), disk record, and disk record business, The Victor Talking Machine Co., out of a garage in Camden, NJ - branding those home entertainment devices with the famous ‘His Master’s Voice®’ slogan) our tradition has been one of innovation in technology and home entertainment.

Today, HMV® is a consumer technology division of Victor Musical Industries. Our products are designed by and for creatives, artists, musicians, and engineers at our design laboratories in Camden, NJ. Our technology pedigree means your new HMV® Computer, SmartTV, Tablet and more are made to the exacting quality standards of the legacy that birthed the greatest technology triumphs of all time. The HMV®/Victor Legacy birthed the disk record, record player, radio, television, business computer and much more; and we’re ready show you how we continue that tradition in the modern era.